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Supporting B Corps: Making a Difference with Every Purchase

Hey there! If you’re looking to get involved in tackling climate change with a focus on our oceans, supporting B Corps is a great way to go. These companies are all about sustainability and can make a big difference in protecting our marine life and reducing ocean pollution.

B Corps are called benefit corporations, meaning they focus on acting in ways that benefit society as a whole. What defines them is their belief that the purpose of a company is not just profits, but also social and environmental good.

Why We Became a Certified B Corporation® – Nimble

Some example companies to consider is Pela Case, a company that sells biodegradable phone cases. Raw Elements is a company that sells reef-safe, plastic-free sunscreen. Bureo – NetPLus sells products made with 100% recycled fishing nets. A restaurant example is Lukes’s Lobster a brand that advocates traceability and sustainability. 

There are plenty more examples, but these few companies serve as a good starting point. It just goes to show that being mindful of where we shop, especially when it comes to those that can easily generate waste, can make a difference. Every small choice adds up in its own way.For help finding a Benefit Corporation that interests you, check out B LAB. It’s a site dedicated to raising awareness and supporting B Corps. You can use their search bar to discover various companies. Here’s the link: B Corporation