
  • Species

    Effects on Pacific Salmon

    The effects of climate change on salmon populations, specifically juvenile Chinook and Steelhead in the Columbia River Basin (CRB), are significant and complex. Looking ahead to future climate scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) in the 2040s and 2080s, we expect big changes in the temperatures of streams that are crucial for salmon habitat. In the Lower Columbia River, where juvenile Chinook migrate from May 20 to June 30, historical temperatures have been just right for them. But by the 2080s, due to climate warming, these temperatures are likely to become too warm, causing stress for Chinook. On the other hand, juvenile Steelhead, migrating slightly earlier from April 17 to May 28,…

  • Species

    Climate Change Effects on Fish

    Fish populations are influenced by climate change through various mechanisms operating across different life-history stages and ecological processes within ecosystems. For example, factors like temperature, oxygen levels, salinity, and ocean pH affect successive life stages of fish (eggs, larvae, juveniles, adults) uniquely. The responses of fish to these changes play a critical role in shaping population dynamics and ecosystem-level processes. Species-specific responses to temperature changes are revealed by eco-physiological data, impacting habitat suitability and interactions among species. For instance, temperature changes can disrupt trophic relationships, causing shifts in predation patterns and species interactions. Different species and species-groups exhibit varying degrees of sensitivity to temperature shifts, which can alter community dynamics…

  • Species

    Commercial Fish Species in Europe

    As the temperature rise and ocean conditions shifts, the intricate balance of marine ecosystem profoundly alters, affecting fish populations crucial for the regions fishing industry. The commercial fishing sector in Europe relies heavily on several key species, including Atlantic Salmon, European pilchard, and Atlantic bluefin tuna. These species face complex and often detrimental impacts from climate change, altering their distribution, abundance, and overall health. The A studied led by group of researchers analyzed 120 publications which showed that from 1974 to 2022 the number of commercially used marine specie. One of the most noticeable effects of climate change is the shifting distribution patterns of commercial fish species. Warmer waters are…